Identity Release after Accident
Pilots must report each alcohol-related event, conviction, or administrative action. Each incident requires a separate Notification Letter. An airman’s driver license may be suspended at the time of arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol for either failing or refursing a blood/breath test.
To insure completeness you can download templates here:
Notification Letter (MS Word format)
Notification Letter (PDF format)
The airman must send a Notification Letter for the suspension, then send a second Notification Letter if the alcohol related offense results in a conviction. Even though the airman sent two notification letters, FAA views the suspension and conviction as one alcohol-related incident.
Send Notification Letters to:
Federal Aviation Administration
Security and Investigations Division (AMC-700)
P.O. Box 25810
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
Fax to: (405) 954-4989
To speed processing, the letter must contain the following information (template downloads already have the required content):