If I suspect I have a significant medical condition, but have never had an FAA medical certificate denied, suspended, or revoked, can I exercise sport pilot privileges using my current and valid driver's license, if otherwise qualified?
Response by the Federal Air Surgeon
Long-standing FAA regulation, Part 61.53, prohibits all pilots--those who are required to
hold airman medical certificates and those who are not--from exercising privileges during
periods of medical deficiency. The CFR 61.53 has been revised to include under this prohibition
sport pilots who use a current and valid U.S. driver's license as medical qualification.
The prohibition is also added under CFR 61.23 (c) (2) (iv) and 61.303 (b) (2) (4) for sport
pilot operations.
You should consult your private physician to determine whether you have a medical
deficiency that would interfere with the safe performance of sport piloting duties. Review this web site frequently for helpful information about determining what constitutes a significant medical deficiency, and if there is any doubt, find and consult an AME.