How do AMEs update their address and phone numbers? Addresses are managed by the FAA and not by We list a single, primary location for free for each AME. For a nominal monthly fee, AMEs can add additional office locations through, but to update your "official" FAA address, fax or primary phone number, you must submit corrections/updates and request for changes through your Regional Flight Surgeon. This includes Area code changes. If you are also a pilot, don't forget to update the Airman Certification Branch. We are also AMEs and pilots and, respects the integrity of the FAA central database. The remainder of your AME web site content can be updated through our Modification form. We apologize for this inconvenience, but the FAA must maintain control of demographics. By agreement, we import official address/phone data directly from the OKC list of addresses and phone numbers. That creates the starting point for default sites, then we augment official data with unlimited additional (promotional/busines) data that will be under direct control of your practice manager and published by We will post secondary toll free, cell, pager or back office numbers. Through our Modification form, you can add second phone numbers, office hours, education, second degrees or anything else unique to your practice and helpful to your pilots, but remember--primary demographic info must route through the FAA. Don't worry, you will never have to submit more than one change of address. After the FAA gets your change, we will get it automatically from them. Additional listings and 2nd practice locations are different. More info on adding a 2nd listing. |